Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Memo to Mitt Romney

This article by Thomas Lifson at AmericanThinker.com requires no comments from me.
Writing in the subscription-only Political Diary at Opinionjournal.com, John Fund recounts a moment from the weekend's White House Correspondents' Dinner that suggests our own J. Peter Mulhern is once again way ahead of the pack. Last month, Peter wrote a "Memo to Mitt":
No doubt the latest Gallup Poll came as a shock to you, Governor. It must be very disappointing after all your hard work to have a guy like Fred Thompson eating your lunch as soon as he mentions in passing that he might consider giving serious thought to the possibility of studying a run for the White House. It's time to review your options and your party's. [snip]

Get Fred on the horn and offer an alliance. Offer to run for Vice President as his running mate. A Thompson-Romney team would probably sweep all the competition for the Republican nomination aside.

Senator Thompson, who is sixty-four years old, might very well have no interest in serving more than one term as President, which would make this arrangement particularly advantageous for you.

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