Knoxville—Colleges and universities around the country are beginning to catch the Fred Thompson wave!! Several dedicated Draft Fred Thompson supporters and members of the local chapter of College Republicans on the University of Tennessee Knoxville campus have been working hard to get the word out about the Draft Fred Thompson Rally.
We put flyers on sidewalks, bulletin boards, poles and any place that we can legally post them. So far we have distributed over 700 flyers and have plans for several hundred more. If your group would like like to distribute the flyer you can download it here.
Handing out flyers is a great way to get the message out, but you can be creative. At UT we have a very large rock that is frequently painted, sometimes several times a day! Our Draft Fred Thompson activists got busy and painted the great rock late Sunday evening for the early risers on the UT campus. Fred Thompson Rocks!

If you are a college student working to Draft Fred Thompson for President send me an email with copy and pictures to your webmaster at If accepted, I will feature your university and your activities.