This article David Brody of CBN is interesting.
If Fred Thompson gets into the presidential race (which pretty much everyone expects him to do), he's defintely going to be a serious player. He has a lot of advantages but one of his biggest may be his wife. From all accounts, Jeri Thompson is very smart and media savvy. She's been a media consultant and has worked in GOP circles for years. Talk about a top notch pairing! If Americans go for this, it could be two for the price of one. You get a conservative politician turned actor turned politician again...and you get a potential First Lady who could end up being one of the smartest and dynamic the country has ever seen. The Thompson's have two small children. (4 and 6 months old)
I met her Saturday night at the White House Correspondents dinner. I was struck by her presence and self assurance. She comes across as not only very nice but as a player in this 2008 presidential race. And she tells me she reads The Brody File! That confirms her intellect.
Read the full article!
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