Read the full article at Carolina Republicans are in a funk.
Nothing seems to be going right.
Check the list.
They’re displeased with President Bush, disturbed by developments in Iraq and hacked off at congressional Republicans for spending
taxpayers’ money like a “drunken sailor.” Moreover, they’re unhappy with their choices for president, causing some to start shopping around for an alternative.
Enter former U.S. Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., whose name has popped up at several GOP precinct meetings over the past couple of weeks. At a recent Horry County gathering, Thompson won a straw poll, handily beating all of the announced candidates. “He won big time,” said Horry County Auditor Lois Eargle, earlier a John McCain supporter.A USA Today/Gallup poll placed Thompson third nationally behind former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and McCain, the U.S. senator from Arizona. Francis Marion University political scientist Neal Thigpen said Thompson’s name was mentioned by several folks at a precinct
meeting in Florence.
“Republicans are not happy with their choices in any way, shape or fashion,” Thigpen said. “The party is in need of someone with glamour, someone who sparkles, someone who could put it together for Republicans.

Friday, April 20, 2007
South Carolina Republicans
This this exerpt is from the The State on April 1st. It is important because South Carolina is an early primary state and one that Fred Thompson will need to win to become president.
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