Today, Fred Thompson met with 53 Republican congressmen on Capital Hill. Rep. Zach Wamp,R-Chattanooga, says that they had expected 40 members and were pleased with the turn out. Also five of the top members of the Republican leadership were in attendance.
Sen. Thompson answered questions for the members including ones about his first marriage and subsequent divorce. Thompson told them he had married young — at age 17 — and loved his wife, and they had three children. While they divorced, they remained friends and still are friends. Thompson was divorced for a more than fifteen years, and eventually married, Jeri Kehn. They married in 2002 and now have two small children. This meeting is considered by many to be the final steps, before he announces his candidacy for the presidency.
Those in the meeting said, Thompson spoke for about a half hour about his personal and political background and then answered questions on a variety of policy issues including national security and immigration.
More to come on this issue...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Cavuto on Thompson
Fox Show host Cavuto might have made the most interesting observation of Thompson to date.
Thompson is expected to formally announce in May or June.
“It's a little thing, said Cavuto… but it struck me and my executive producer Gary Schreier as we greeted him this week: He came alone. Alone — no handlers, no enablers, no key people, no any people. Just Fred, by himself. And Gary and I are thinking, hey this guy is tracking sometimes second in GOP polls for president.
For president! Of the United States!! And we're looking for his entourage, his hangers-on, you know, the guy who holds his briefcase. Another, his cell phone, still another, his coat. Someone who polices his words, advises him on statements to the press. Nope. No briefcase guy. Or cell phone dude. No policy wonk or statement checker. No people at all.
Get this: I had more people than he had people. Which tells you something about Fred, I guess: The image things that seem to matter to others don't much matter to Fred. Surely, I'm thinking to myself, this will all change if he runs for president. Even the loserest of candidates has loser lemmings. Lots of them!
But I wonder: Maybe Fred would be the guy who puts less stock in handlers and more in himself. He'd be different, that's for sure. His people weren't saying that — Fred was. Before he shook my hand after our interview and walked out of this building... alone.”
The people wanted to shake things up… and that they have, in spades! However, not without a clear purpose - which they obviously have as well.
Thompson is expected to formally announce in May or June.
Run Fred Run!
Cal Thomas resently wrote in one of his columns about Fred Thompson.
He has Ronald Reagan's communication skills and speaks plainly in ways most people can understand. Anyone who has listened to him substitute for Paul Harvey on ABC News Radio senses that, in this, he follows in Reagan's footsteps. Radio is an intimate medium. People who are able to connect with a radio audience often can connect on TV and in person. Thompson, the actor, plays other people. On radio and in news interviews, he "plays" himself.Run Fred Run
There's something else to like about Fred Thompson. He doesn't appear to be lusting after the job as if he needs it for his self-image. This, too, is much like Reagan, who knew who he was before becoming president and was the same after he left office.
It is said of Thompson that he has always "answered the call" of his country, whether it was serving as minority counsel to the Senate Watergate Committee, or in other capacities, including United States senator.
Some political "experts" think it is almost too late for any new candidate to announce for president. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says he intends to wait until September before saying if he will run. Actually, waiting might be the best strategy for these Republicans. Conservative Republicans are restless about what they regard as a weak field. They want someone who can take on Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama and win.
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