The Romney campaign is at it again!
A video of Fred Thompson answering a debate question about his abortion position. This video is being offered as proof that Thompson was "pro-choice" in 1994.
Background: Videos of Romney squerming under the light about abortion rights in Mass. when he ran for the US Senate and later as Govenor. Romney has a credibility and is trying to justifiy his positions by using the childish retort, "everyone else was doing it". The problem is that not everyone was doing it. You have to wonder who was the bright and shining start in the Romney compaign came up with this simplistic analysis.
The key phrase in Thompson's answer is this one: "I do not believe that the federal government ought to be involved in that process." That sentence is the summary of all he says next, and shows he is opposed to Roe v. Wade, which represented the federalization of what had been a state-level issue.
He then says he is opposed to federal funding for abortion and supports the states' right to regulate abortion - both are federalist and pro-life positions - and he opposes the federal government criminalizing abortion. Again, a federalist answer.
From what I've heard, Fred Thompson is Pro-Life. Abortion is murder because it destroys human life inside the womb. It is the worst HATE CRIME of all and should be considered by the NAACP as the worst racist action against black because 3 out of 5 black pre born babies are butchered inside the womb! In fact, so called "PRO CHOICE" people use the same excuse that supporters in the Dred Scott Case did that the Supreme Court used to keep slavery legal in the early 1800's. Slaves, mainly black ones, were denied their humanity just like children inside the womb have been. Hitler and his fellow NAZIs used the same excuse to exterminate 6,000,000 Jews. In fact, Margret Sanger, the woman who helped start Planned Parenthood, was a supporter of Hitler in NAZI Germany and she wanted to use abortion to help usher in the MASTER RACE. Sanger came here after the Second World War to carry on Hitler's goals before going to China and other Asian countries.
What we need is a strong President who shall stand up to the bigotted Congress after Pres. Bush has finished his term. I pray we shall never get a Liberal in there. The only true choice behind abortion is DEATH and this includes the ABORTION PILL because many women have already died after taking it. We need a strong conservative who will not have a Liberal Vice President like we've had with a lesbian daughter or any liberal cabinet members who should force deadly abortion drugs on the public! If Fred is honest and Consrvative enough not to make the same mistakes as Pres. Bush, then I can honestly say, "FRED THOMPSON IS PRO-LIFE."
In conclussion, since I didn't see a space to list my choice for a Vice President candidate, I'd like to nominate Mike Huckabee as Fred's choice for Vice President. I believe Mike Huckabee is the most trustworthy candidate to run with Fred.
My uncle would be all over your post singing your praises. He loved Huckabee. Unfortunately his daughter (my cousin) isn't as bright. She voted for Obama. I agree with everything you had to say. I would like to copy and paste your comment and send it to my mom, if that's possible. We were discussing Sanger not very long ago. I knew she was wicked but I didn't know she was one of Hitler's henchmen. It's outrageous that she wasn't prosecuted for war crimes while she was here! I think we have the wickedest president in the White House right now that we have ever had in history. I don't give a rip what color his skin is! I'm not happy about him being in the White House b/c of his stand on abortion and homosexuality. But I must say that in light of what this country has done to God in the past 100 years of so, we certainly DESERVE him. May God help the unborn and those who have been fighting for the rights of the unborn!!! genevonhinseth at clearwire dot net
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